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DAuthorize DBuild DBuy DCheck DColorize DDelete DDiagnose
DEdit DEmbed DExtrude DHatch DHelp DMerge DMesh
DOrder DProject DRead DRemesh DRepair DSeparate DUpdate

The DRepair command repairs varied issues on the target mesh.

FillInnerHoles - 是否填充网格内孔洞,其中,MaxHoleArea定义需填充孔洞的最大面积;
MendBorderCracks - 是否修正网格边缘裂缝,其中MaxCrackOpenningLength及MaxCrackOpenningAngle分别定义需修正裂缝的最大开口距离及最大开口角度;
RemoveProtrusions - 是否去除网格中突起物,其中MaxProtrusionPerimeter定义需去除突起物的最大周长;
CorrectClashingFaces - 是否修正冲突网格面;
AlignFaceNormals - 是否对齐网格面正方向;
CombineClosedNodes - 是否合并临近节点,其中JoinTolerance定义了需合并网格节点的最大距离;
FixMeshIssues - 是否修正一些不可见的网格问题;
BreakNonPlanarFaces - 是否将非平面四边形面破碎成三角形面,其中MaxQuadFaceAngle定义了需破碎的四边形面中两三角形面的最大夹角;
CombineCoPlanarFaces - 是否将共面三角形面合并成四边形面,其中MinDiagonalRatio定义了四边形面两对角线长度比值的最大值;
AutoParameters - 是否自动设置MaxHoleArea、MaxCrackOpenningLength、MaxCrackOpenningAngle、MaxProtrusionPerimeter、JoinTolerance、MaxQuadFaceAngle及MinDiagonalRatio。
The command has the following input parameters:
FillInnerHoles - whether to fill the holes inside the mesh, in which MaxHoleArea defines the max area for the hole to fill;
MendBorderCracks - whether to mend the border cracks, in which MaxCrackOpenningLength and MaxCrackOpenningAngle define the max openning length and the max openning angle for the crack to mend, respectively;
RemoveProtrusions - whether to remove the protrusions, in which MaxProtrusionPerimeter defines the max perimeter of the protrusion to remove;
CorrectClashingFaces - whether to correct the clashing mesh faces;
AlignFaceNormals - whether to align face normal directions;
CombineClosedNodes - whether to combine closed nodes, in which JoinTolerance defines the max distance for the points to join;
FixMeshIssues - whether to fix mesh issues that are not visible;
BreakNonPlanarFaces - whether to break non-planar quadrilateral faces into trianglar faces, in which MaxQuadFaceAngle defines the angle of the two triangles of the quadriletral face to break;
CombineCoPlanarFaces - whether to combine co-planar triangular faces into quadrilateral faces, in which MinDiagonalRatio defines the max ratio of the two diagonal lines of the quadrilateral faces;
AutoParameters - whether to auto set MaxHoleArea, MaxCrackOpenningLength, MaxCrackOpenningAngle, MaxProtrusionPerimeter, JoinTolerance, MaxQuadFaceAngle and MinDiagonalRatio.

Here is the example for you to try: DRepair.3dm.

Select the meshes to repair and use this command. The following figure shows repair result.