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DAuthorize DBuild DBuy DCheck DColorize DDelete DDiagnose
DEdit DEmbed DExtrude DHatch DHelp DMerge DMesh
DOrder DProject DRead DRemesh DRepair DSeparate DUpdate

The DProject command projects a mesh to a surface and creates closed meshes.

OutputMeshType - 输出网格类型,若OutputMeshType=Separated,则输出网为顶部、底部及侧边,若OutputMeshType=Jointed,则输出一个融合网格。
The command has the following inputs:
OutputMeshType - the type of the output meshes, if OutputMeshType = Separated, the output meshes are separated into the top, the bottom and the side-wall, else if OutputMeshType = Jointed, the output mesh is a joined mesh.

Here is the example for you to try: DProject.3dm.

Select the surface and the mesh to project and use this command.

After running this command, the mesh will be projected to the surface.

下图显示OutputMeshType = Jointed的结果。
The following figure shows the result when OutputMeshType = Jointed.

下图显示OutputMeshType = Separated的结果。
The following figure shows the result when OutputMeshType = Separated.