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The DMesh command convert different types of geometry objects into meshes.

MeshMode - 定义网格划分模式,若MeshMode = SketchMesh则对每个对象逐个进行网格划分并融合,若MeshType = EnvelopeMesh则更具包络面进行网格划分;
MeshControl - 定义网格控制模式,若MeshControl = BySize则以尺寸控制网格,其中MinSize = 网格面最小尺寸,MaxSize = 网格面最大尺寸,若MeshControl = ByCount则以分数控制网格划分,其中MinCount = 最小网格份数,CurveMaxCount = 最大网格份数。
BreakingAngle = 分割曲线为多段线的破坏角;
SmoothControl = 定义是否对点进行平滑处理,若SmoothControl = ExactMesh则每个点都出现在输出网格中,若SmoothControl = SmoothedMesh则在网格划分前对临近点进行合并,其中NoiseNeighbors = 需合并临近点数量。
The commandThe command has the following inputs:
MeshMode - specifies the mode of the mesher, if MeshMode = SketchMesh, then mesher will mesh each object and merge them together, else if MeshType = EnvelopeMesh, then the mesher will create an envelope mesh;
MeshControl - specifies the mesh control, if MeshControl = BySize, then the objects will be meshed according the sizes, in which MinSize = the min size of mesh face, and MaxSize = the max size of the mesh face, else if MeshControl = ByCount, the then objects will be meshed according to the number of segments, in which MinCount = the min number of segments, and CurveMaxCount = the max number of segments.
BreakingAngle = the breaking angle for separating the curves into polylines;
SmoothControl = specifies whether to smooth the closed points, if SmoothControl = ExactMesh, then every point is presented in the output mesh, else if SmoothControl = SmoothedMesh, the closed points are combined before meshing, in which NoiseNeighbors = the number of points to combine.

Here is the example for you to try: DMesh.3dm.

Select the geometry objects to mesh and use this command.

下图为对一点云分别使用MeshMode = SketchMesh及EnvelopeMesh的网格划分结果。
The following figure shows the mesh result of a point cloud when MeshMode = SketchMesh and EnvelopeMesh, respectively.

The following figure shows the mesh result for a curve.

The following figure shows the mesh result for a solid.

下图为分别使用MeshMode = SketchMesh及EnvelopeMesh的网格划分结果。
The following figure shows the mesh result when MeshMode = SketchMesh and EnvelopeMesh, respectively.