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DAuthorize DBuild DBuy DCheck DColorize DDelete DDiagnose
DEdit DEmbed DExtrude DHatch DHelp DMerge DMesh
DOrder DProject DRead DRemesh DRepair DSeparate DUpdate

The DBuild command builds the finite element model through geometry objects.

1. 由网格面构成的封闭空间将被生成为实体单元;
2. 对点、折线、网格面的用户属性文本添加“Group”键并设置其值即可实现对其分组;
3. 对网格面的用户属性文本添加“Type”键并将其值设置为“FaceElement”则可生成面单元;
4. 对折线的用户属性文本添加“Type”键并将其值设置为“LineElement”则可生成线单元;
5. 对点的用户属性文本添加“Type”键并将其值设置为“PointElement”则可生成点单元。
Usage Tips:
1. closed space enclosed by meshes will be generated as solid elements;
2. in the User Attribute Text, add keys named as "Group" and set the corresponding values to points, polylines, and meshes can achieve their classification;
3. in the User Attribute Text, aadd keys named as "Type" and set the values equals "FaceElement" to the meshes can generate face elements;
4. in the User Attribute Text, aadd keys named as "Type" and set the values equals "LineElement" to the polylines can generate line elements;
5. in the User Attribute Text, aadd keys named as "Type" and set the values equals "PointElement" to the polylines can generate point elements.

The DBuild command builds the finite element model through points, ploylines and meshes, which supports ABAQUS, ANSYS, FLAC3D, NASTRAN, MIDAS, VTK, CSV, etc. Closed meshes will be transfered into solid elements and grouped. Open mehses will be transfered into face elements if their Type were assgined to be FaceElement. Polylines will be transfered into line elements if their Type were assgined to be LineElement. Points will be transfered into point elements if their Type were assgined to be PointElement. You can use keyword Group to group the corresponding objects.

ElementShape - 实体单元形状,其可为Tetrahezdron或Mixed(其为四面体、金字塔体、楔形体及六面体的组合);
ModelParttern - 有限元模型规则,其可为Unstructured或Structured;
ShapeQuality - 有限元模型质量;
MaxGradation - 网格面中边长度的最大比值;
RunningSpeed - 网格重划分运行速度,速度越慢网格质量越高;
IgnoredObjectsByVolumeMesher - 是否显示被体积网格生成器忽略的对象,其中Hide = 不显示,Show = 显示;
ModelName - 有限元模型名字;
OutputDirectory - 输出文件路径;
OutputFormat -有限元模型格式。
The command has the following input parameters:
ElementShape - the shape of the solid elements, which can be Tetrahezdron or Mixed (i.e., a combination of tetrahezdron, pyramids, wedges, and hexahedrons);
ModelParttern - the parttern of the finite element model, which can be Unstructured or Structured;
ShapeQuality - the quality of finite element model;
MaxGradation - the max ratio between the edges of a mesh face;
RunningSpeed - the speed of the remesh process, the slower speed corresponds the higher quality;
IgnoredObjectsByVolumeMesher - whether to show the objects ignored by the volume meshes, where Hide = not show, Show = show;
ModelName - the name of the finite element model;
OutputDirectory - the directory of the output files;
OutputFormat - the formats of the finite element models;
Here is the example for you to try: DBuild.3dm.

Select the points, polylines, and meshes to build the finite element model and use this command.

The following figure shows the way to define and group FaceElements.

The following figure shows the way to define and group LineElements.

The following figure shows the way to define and group PointElements.

下图展示了ABAQUS中对应有限元模型,其模型文件为:DBuild.inp (使用“文件”->“导入”->“模型”来导入)。 <
The following figure shows the corresponding finite element model in ABAQUS, the model file is: DBuild.inp (use "File"-> "Import"->"Model" to import the model).

he following figure shows the corresponding finite element model in ANSYS, the model file is: DBuild.mac (use "File"-> "Read Input from ..." to import the model).

The following figure shows the corresponding finite element model in NASTRAN, the model file is: DBuild.dat (use "menu"-> "file"-> "import" to import the model).

下图展示了MIDAS中对应有限元模型,其模型文件为:DBuild.fpn(使用“导入”->“GTS NX中性格式”来导入)。
The following figure shows the corresponding finite element model in MIDAS, the model file is: DBuild.fpn (use "Import"-> "GTS NX Neutral Format" to import the model).

The following figure shows the corresponding finite element model in MIDAS, the model file is: DBuild.f3grid (use "File"-> "Grid"-> "Import from FLAC3D" to import the model, P.S.: only solid elements are supported).

The following figure shows the corresponding finite element model in Paraview, the model file is: DBuild.vtk (use "File"-> "Open" to import the model).

The following figure shows the corresponding finite element model in CSV, the model file is: DBuild.Faces.csv, DBuild.Lines.csv, DBuild.Nodes.csv, DBuild.Solids.csv.