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The DMerge merges different meshes.

MeshType - 输出网格类型,若MeshType = Joined则输出网格为一整个网格,若MeshType = Separated则输出网格保持分离状态;
ConformableMesh - 输出网格是否协调,若ConformableMesh = Yes则输出网格为协调网格且四边形面被转化为三角形面,若ConformableMesh = No则输出网格不必协调;
JoinClosedNodes - 邻近点是否需被合并,若JoinClosedNodes = Yes则临近点被合并为一个点,若JoinClosedNodes = No则临近点不被合并;
JoinTolerance = 点融合距离,小于该距离的点将被融合为一个点。
The command has the following inputs:
MeshType - specifies the type of the output meshes, if MeshType = Joined, then the output mesh is a single one, else if MeshType = Separated, then the output meshes are kept separated;
ConformableMesh - specifies if the output meshes are conformable, if ConformableMesh = Yes, then the output meshes are conformable and quadrilateral faces are converted into triangluar faces, else if ConformableMesh = No, then the output meshes are not necessarily conformable;
JoinClosedNodes - specifies if the closed points should be joined, if JoinClosedNodes = Yes, then closed points will be joined into a single point, else if JoinClosedNodes = No, then closed points are kept separated;
JoinTolerance = the distance for combining points, points whose distances being smaller than this distance will be joined into a single point.

Here is the example for you to try: DMerge.3dm.

Select the meshes to merge and use this command.

下图为MeshType = Joined及ConformableMesh = No下的结果。
The following figure shows the result when MeshType = Joined and ConformableMesh = No.

下图为MeshType = Separated及ConformableMesh = No下的结果。
The following figure shows the result when MeshType = Separated and ConformableMesh = No.

下图为MeshType = Joined及ConformableMesh = Yes下的结果。
The following figure shows the result when MeshType = Joined and ConformableMesh = Yes.

下图为MeshType = Separated及ConformableMesh = Yes下的结果。
The following figure shows the result when MeshType = Separated and ConformableMesh = Yes.