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The DExtrude command extrudes meshes along a curve.

ExtrudeType - 挤出模式,若ExtrudeType = Parallel则网格在沿曲线平移,若ExtrudeType = Rotational则网格沿曲线平移及旋转;
KeepInteralMeshes - 是否保留内部网格,若KeepInteralMeshes=Yes则保留内部网格,KeepInteralMeshes=No则移除内部网格;
CurveMeshControl - 曲线划分的类型,若CurveMeshControl = BySize,则曲线将以尺寸进行划分,其中CurveMinSize = 最小线段尺寸,而CurveMaxSize = 最大线段尺寸,若CurveMeshControl = ByCount,则曲线将以份数进行划分,其中CurveMinCount = 最小线段份数,而CurveMaxCount = 最大线段份数;
BreakingAngle = 将曲线分割为多段线的破坏角。
The command has the following input parameters:
ExtrudeType - the extrude mode, if ExtrudeType = Parallel then the mesh only shifts with curve without rotation, else if ExtrudeType = Rotational then the mesh rotates and shifts with the curve;
KeepInteralMeshes - whether to keep the interal meshes, if KeepInteralMeshes = Yes then internal mesh is preseved, KeepInteralMeshes = No then internal mesh is removed;
OutputMeshType - the type of the output mesh, if OutputMeshType = Joined then the output mesh is a joined mesh, else if OutputMeshType = Separate then the output meshes are separated;
CurveMeshControl - the mesh control of the curves, If CurveMeshControl = BySize, then the curves will be meshed according the sizes, in which CurveMinSize = the min size of the ploylines, and CurveMaxSize = the max size of the ploylines, else if CurveMeshControl = ByCount, the then curves will be meshed according to the number of segments, in which CurveMinCount = the min number of segments of the polylines, and CurveMaxCount = the max number of segments of the polylines;
BreakingAngle = the breaking angle for separating the curves into polylines.

Here is the example for you to try: DExtrude.3dm.

Select the curve and the meshes to extrude and use this command, and the meshes will be extruded.

下图展示了当ExtrudeType = Parallel的结果。
The following figure shows the result when ExtrudeType = Parallel.

下图展示了当ExtrudeType = Rotational的结果。
The following figure shows the result when ExtrudeType = Rotational.