XLNX.TECH is a technology company focusing on engieering AI, which is founded by Dr. Xu, a distinguished professor of Wuhan Institute of Technology. Our company has the nation's leading exclusive technology in automated modeling and control. We welcome all colleagues to actively communicate with us and look forward to cooperating with you to develop more products in the future. At present, we have successfully developed an intelligent software for efficient construction of mesh models and finite element models under Rhinoceros - DirectMesh (p.s.: corresponding patents and software copyrights are authorized). In addition, we are now developing a universal core for controlling various devices under Windows system - IdOiT (under development, expected to be online within one year). The following is a product display of our company.


Production 1: Revolutionary way of finite element modeling - DirectMesh


DirectMesh is Rhinoceros plugin for efficiently construction of meshes and finite element model, which provides you a interactive way of finite element modeling. DirectMesh provides you a set of tools to flexibly create the meshes and finite element model, such as: DMesh - mesh variously geometry object intelligently; DEmbed - embed points and curve onto meshes; DExtrude - extrude meshes along curves and create closed meshes; DProject - project meshes onto surfaces and create closed meshes; DRepair - repair issues on meshes; DSeparate - separate meshes according to needs; DMerge - merge inconformable meshes; DRemesh - remesh the meshes with high qualities; DBuild - build the finite elment model from points, curves and meshes. Click me to visit the page of DirectMesh.

直来直往是一款用于高效建立网格及有限元模型的Rhinoceros插件,其为您提供了一种交互式有限元建模方法。 直来直往为您提供了一整套灵活建立网格及有限元模型的工具,如:DMesh—对不同类型几何对象进行智能网格划分;DEmbed—将点及曲线嵌入网格中;DProject—将网格投影到曲面上并形成封闭网格;DSeparate—根据需求分割网格;DMerge—融合不兼容网格;DRemesh—对网格进行高质量重划分;DBuild—通过点、曲线及网格建立有限元模型。点此访问直来直往的主页.